sâmbătă, 28 august 2010

Dragi carti,

Va scriu acest e-mail pentru a face o mica recapitulare a acestei editii de Biblioteca Vie din cadrul Lunii Cartilor Vii.

Au fost:

ü 4 zile de Biblioteca Vie la Centrul National al Dansului

ü 42 de carti pe rafturile Bibliotecii

ü 5 bibliotecari

ü Aproximativ 300 de cititori

Atasat acestui e-mail aveti gasiti un document cu impresiile cititorilor in urma Bibliotecii Vii.

Va multumesc pentru ca ati fost alaturi de noi si ati facut si din aceasta editie un succes. Va astept la o intalnire in care sa impartasim experientele de carte vie, in data de 10 mai, la ora 18.00 la sediul ART Fusion din strada Emil Boteanu, nr. 3B, ap. 9, etaj 3, sector 1. Atasat gasiti harta locatiei. Va rog sa confirmati / infirmati prezenta pana vineri, 7 maila turcussroxana@yahoo.co.uk.

Va urez o saptamana frumoasa,

Dear Books,

I write this e-mail to summarize this 6th edition of the Living Library.

There were:

ü 4 days of Living Library at the National Dance Center of Bucharest

ü 42 living books on the shelves

ü 5 librarians

ü 300 readers

You can find in the attachment a document with some of the impressions that the readers had with the occasion of this Living Library.

Thank you for being part of the Living Library and for making it a success. I invite you to a feedback meeting that will take place on 10 of May, in ART Fusion office from Emil Boteanu street, no. 3B, 9th apartment, 3rd floor. Attached you will find the map of the location. Please confirm / infirm your participation until Friday, 7 of May at turcussroxana@yahoo.co.uk.

I wish you a very nice week,


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